středa 24. prosince 2008

eZ Publish SEO extension

eZ Publish does not allow editing of meta data (meta keywords and meta description) for individual objects, that's why I wrote this extension.
For installation, simply enable the extension in admin interface. Also, make sure files in your eZ Publish autoload folder is writable. After activation you should see a new section called "Meta Data" when editing an object.

Extension works with eZ Publish 4


3 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...


This download link doesn't work? Would there be a chance of getting this plugin for SEO?



ezpublish developer řekl(a)...


The download is working just fine... you need to enter captcha on the right hand site of the page... If its still not working for you let me know and I'll mail you the file.

circoloco řekl(a)...

Could you repost the extension somewhere? The download link has expired.

Thanks! Jens